
Buy peppermint shrimp
Buy peppermint shrimp

buy peppermint shrimp

buy peppermint shrimp

Many hobbyists who have tried breeding Peppermint shrimp have killed their breeding colony due to poor water parameters or disease when they forgot to perform proper water testing or changes. Remember to keep parameters in check, and carry out routine maintenance as if this was your main display tank. Most importantly, do not add any other fish or invertebrates as they will prey on shrimp larvae, which may discourage breeding. In the breeding tank, place a heater, gentle filter, sand, and live rock. So, if you have a 20 gallon tank to breed them in, purchasing 4 to 6 shrimp is recommended. Typically, about 2 shrimp per 10 gallons is about where they will level out. It is better to start with a few extra and let them work out who is strongest and gets to be part of the colony. Candy Cane shrimp are notoriously cannibalistic and aggressive towards one another, so do not expect every single one you buy to survive. If you are up for a challenge, this is a fun project to undertake! The Parentsįirst, you have to establish your breeding colony. And, hobbyists dedicated to breeding set ups are also able to rear young. Thankfully, Peppermints are one of the easier shrimp to breed and tank bred specimens are getting easier and easier to find. If we continue to harvest these little shrimp at the rate we currently are, who knows what kind of impact we could accidentally have on their natural habitat.

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These shrimp serve several ecological purposes- from controlling pest anemones, cleaning decaying organic matter from the reef, and even acting as a cleaner shrimp removing dead skin and parasites from fish. With them being so popular, and their ease of breeding, we really should be working together as hobbyists to ease up on just how many we collect. In fact, they are so popular that they are intensely harvested, more so than most other invertebrate species. Peppermint shrimp, or Candy Cane shrimp, are one of the most popular ornamental shrimp within the aquarium trade.

Buy peppermint shrimp